
Pineapple Sun beds are all tubed at high wattage and are fitted with Sunfit CollaTan lamps,
the latest in tanning lamp innovation. This technology combines UV and Collagen light in one lamp – the UV light allows for tanning at maximum performance, while the collagen and elastin work to soothe, rejuvenate and eliminate blemishes on the skin. Boost your mood while bronzing your body thanks to the lamps’ serotonin production – our Happy Beds really do deserve their name.​
Our stand up beds require you to stand up for your session, however they work to achieve a more even tan due to having no contact with the surface. They are more intense and usually require less tanning time. On the other hand, our lay down beds are less intense and require more minutes to achieve your desired colour. However, lay down beds allow you to tan in a more relaxed and comfortable position.
Experience the latest Ergoline Sunbed, featuring advanced UV and Collagen lamps for a deep tan and skin rejuvenation. With 200W tubes, the UV light boosts your bronzing, while Collagen smooths and nourishes your skin. With regularly updated lamps, Ergoline delivers top performance and luxurious tanning every time.
*We regularly replace the lamps in our sunbeds to ensure they are working at maximum performance.
Sunbed pre and post-care instructions
We want to ensure you achieve the colour you want and that it lasts as long as possible, meaning that correct pre-care and after-care are essential to guaranteeing the results you want. Click to read our suggestions before coming in for your first session.

Room 1
Lay down, UV – 180W,
air conditioned, more relaxed
UV light
More relaxed
Lay down
Room 2
Lay down, Mixed 180W and every
4 tubes CollaTan 160W, air conditioned
UV light
Lay down

Room 3
Stand up, UV – 200W,
air conditioned, more intense
UV light
More intense
Stand up
Room 4
Lay down, Mixed 180W and every
4 tubes CollaTan 160W, air conditioned
UV light
Lay down

Room 5
Stand up, Mixed 50% 200W and 50%
CollaTan 200W, air conditioned
UV light
More intense
Stand up

Room 6
Lay down, UV – 180W,
air conditioned, more relaxed
UV light
More relaxed
Lay down

Room 7
Stand up, UV – 200W,
air conditioned, more intense
UV light
More intense
Stand up

Room 8
*New Ergoline Sunbed
Lay down, UV – 200W,
air conditioned, more intense
UV light
More intense
Lay down